When I was thirty-five I finally realized that I needed to walk at least an hour a day in order not to feel like crap. Unfortunately, this means that for most of the preceding three and a half decades I did feel like crap, because I figured that feeling like crap was what life felt like. My usual response to an acute case of crappiness was to take a nap, as I assumed that to be the cure, even though I would often wake up feeling worse, almost drugged, and have a thick head for the rest of the day.
Somehow or other during our time in France, when habitually over the course of the day I would walk an hour in all to get to and from work and then to and from Zeke’s school, I gradually came to realize that I didn’t feel crappy on those days. At which point the penny dropped: on the days I didn’t walk at all I went back to feeling crappy again. So pretty much ever since I’ve walked every day…
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